USL Technology Inc.


Decarbonization refers to the construction of a new building (or alteration of an existing one) in a manner that reduces the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the building’s erection and operation.

The United States recently announced commitments to net-zero emissions laws by 2050 as part of the Paris Agreement, and the push to decarbonize is on.

The energy industry is evolving from being dominated by fossil fuels to one in which many organizations have made a “net-zero” commitment to drastically decrease carbon emissions while also balancing them with carbon offsets.

Decarbonization can be achieved by a variety of ways, but one of the most essential is to reduce building-related energy use through energy efficiency measures and to meet the remaining energy demand with renewable energy sources.

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Premature Deaths in the U.S. due to pollution.
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Reduction in deaths by Decarbonization in a decade.
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Potential lives can be saved by decarbonization in the next 20 years

Your Path to Decarbonization

Reducing your carbon footprint involves a thorough understanding of your present emissions, as well as a variety of requirements and ambitious targets. It also necessitates an awareness of the many options available to you.

Your path to low carbon depends on where you start and where you want to go, just like any other journey. In terms of energy and carbon management, you’ll need to establish your baseline conditions as well as your energy and carbon reduction objectives. USL Technology will help you establish that baseline by Energy Modeling and put that information into action! 

How USL Technology can help:

Building Types

Learn more about how we can assist your specific building type and business by visiting our Sectors page

A list of examples of building types where decarbonization technologies can be used is provided below.

Decarbonizing Technologies

The following is a list of areas where our expertise may assist with building upgrades and decarbonization strategies:

Book A Consultation to learn more about our approach to integrating sustainability and resiliency goals.