Local Law Compliance

NYC announced a goal to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050, based on Mayor DeBlasio’s vision in “One City Built to Last.” The Climate Mobilization Act of 2019 was signed into law (Local Laws 92, 94, 95, 96, and 97).

Prior to that, Mayor Bloomberg had set the tone in 2009 with his vision in the “Greener Greater Buildings Plan” (Local Laws (84, 85, 86, 87, and 88) to decrease NYC’s carbon emissions by 40% by 2030.

What to expect in the process with USL Technology

USL Technology will assist you throughout the process, from evaluating your building to determining whether it is in compliance, as well as what fees you may expect in the following 5-10 years and how to avoid them. We will also identify appropriate financing incentives to assist you in funding the project as well as connect you with contractors who can oversee and complete the work.

  • Evaluation
    Assessing your building for compliance and fees you may encounter and what areas of your building you can improve.
  • Provide Resources
    Connecting you to contractors and on-site energy managers
  • Apply for Incentives & Financing
    We are an approved contractor with NYSERDA, Con Edison, and a subconsultant on the NYC Accelerator Program designed to help you get the best energy savings.
  • Filing for Compliance
    As a registered filing representative with the DOB, USL can walk you through the process of filing for compliance for your project.

Are you familiar with NYC Local Laws? Click below to learn more.


Why is Compliance Important?

  • Avoid Penalties
    Assessing your building for compliance and fees you may encounter.
  • Improve Energy Performance
    Your energy use will be reduced, resulting in a change in your monthly energy expenses and you can achieve a high letter grade on your building performance (LL95).
  • Building Resiliency & Sustainability
    By making upgrades to your building, you are prepared against disasters due to climate change and reducing your carbon footprint in the process.
  • Safety
    Protect people’s safety, health and welfare in and around buildings
skyscrapers in NYC
  • HVAC Systems
  • Solar or Green Roof
  • Windows
  • Water & Heating Systems

Don't wait for your building to get fined. Our certified specialists will help you every step of the way.

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